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PHENOMIN cares about animal welfare

Our scientific results totally rely on animals, that's why PHENOMIN is involved in ethics and welfare. Every day, we do respect, as sensitive beings, animals we are working with. 

PHENOMIN subscribes and supports the Basel Declaration, a call for more trust, transparency and communication on animal research adopted on November 29, 2010 on the occasion of the first Basel conference «Research at a Crossroads» organisezd by the "Basel Declaration Society" (BDS). The purpose of the «Basel Declaration Society» is to strengthen public awareness of the importance of animal models in experimental biomedical research, to foster communication between researchers and the public, and to enhance acceptance of the Basel Declaration. Like the Helsinki Declaration, which forever altered the ethical landscape of human clinical research, the aim of the «Basel Declaration Society» is to bring the scientific community together to further advance the implementation of ethical principles such as the 3Rs whenever animals are being used in research

In 1959, Russel & Burtch have developed the famous 3Rs concept (Replace, Reduce, Refine) in order to protect animals used for scientific purposes. During our projects, we respect this concept. But it is not enough to develop an ethical thinking. Thus, we also improve our procedures in order to obtain a balance between the benefit for science and the animal well-being.

STOP the European Citizens’ Initiative on Vivisection

The European Citizens’ Initiative « Stop Vivisection » calls on the European Commission to repeal the European Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes and to prohibit all research using animals in Europe.

This Directive has been shaped by consultation with animal welfare groups, scientists and animal technologists to ensure that necessary research involving animals can continue while requiring enhanced animal welfare standards. Since its application, the Directive led to the development of an ethical thought and to the enhancement of animal welfare in order to perform animal research in conditions that meet harm-benefice balance.

Good animal care and good science go hand in hand

Repealing this Directive would represent a major step backwards both for animal welfare in EU and for Europe’s leading role in advancing human and animal health. For reminder, the Directive allows the use of animals in research where the potential medial, veterinary and scientific benefits are compelling and there is no other viable alternative method.

We call the European Parliament and Commission to reaffirm their commitment to the Directive, essential to allow animal use for Research in a controlled and legislated environment.

For more information about Directive repealing consequences, please consult:
